Chamber Team

President & Chief Executive Officer Responsible to the Board of Directors for a full range of activities including coordination of the program of work, organizational structure and procedures, interpretation of policy, strategic planning, communications and branding.

Director of Events Plans and oversees all Chamber programming. Works directly with the President & CEO on hospitality-related community activities including Burgerliscious, Tour of the Gables 5K/10K, Small Business Summit, Annual Conference, Businesswomen of the Year Awards, George E. Merrick Awards of Excellence, Diamond Awards, etc. Serves as the staff liaison to our Special Events Division, Global Business Affairs Committee, and the Women’s Business Network Committee.

Director of Sales & Membership Sells the programs and services of the Chamber to existing members and non-member firms, including the sale of new memberships, upgrades of existing member firms and renewals of past due member accounts.

Communications Manager Develops and implements all marketing, public relations activities and social media marketing across all platforms. Creates all collateral for the Chamber including event e-vites, press releases, weekly and monthly newsletters, advertisements, calendars, brochures, invitations, etc. Also responsible for the Chamber’s annual publication, The City Beautiful Magazine.

Membership Coordinator Maintains internal membership control and administration. Membership activities include processing of new member accounts and updates, website listings and record management. Responsible for the RE-Connect Luncheon, Café con Chamber, Chamber Engagement 101 for new members, and The City Beautiful Awards Program. Also serves as the staff liaison to Chairman’s Ambassador Committee, and the Membership Committee.
Events Coordinator Supports the Director of Events in planning and overseeing Chamber programming. Works with the President & CEO on community activities. Supports Restaurant Committee meetings, 20/30 Group, Real Estate Committee.

Chief of Staff serves as support personnel, scheduler and office manager for the President & CEO. Manages all incoming and outgoing correspondence. Provides a full range of administrative support to the President & CEO.

Receptionist Greets all Chamber guests, both in-person and over the phone. Provides clerical and general office support, including meeting preparation, office organization, and Welcome Center fulfillment.